Naval Ship Commissioning: A Remarkable Tradition

At the Charleston Navy League, we celebrate and support the proud tradition of Naval Ship Commissioning. This time-honored ceremony officially brings a new ship into service, assigns it a name, and marks the beginning of its vital role in serving our country. Attended by dignitaries, military personnel, and the ship's crew, the event is rich with customs and rituals that have been passed down through centuries.

A crowd of people standing around a large ship.
A group of sailors sitting in the bleachers.

Ship Sponsor and Flag Ceremony

The proceedings commence with the arrival of the ship's sponsor, often a notable public figure or a family member of a crew member. They christen the ship by breaking a bottle of champagne over its bow, symbolizing good fortune and safe journeys. Following this, the ship's commanding officer takes command, raises the American flag for the first time, and the crew recites the Pledge of Allegiance, accompanied by the national anthem.

Dignitary Speeches

Various dignitaries, including the ship's sponsor, commanding officer, and other military officials, deliver speeches that emphasize the ship's history, capabilities, and significance to the Navy's mission. As the ceremony draws to a close, the ship's crew marches in a procession around the vessel, officially claiming ownership of their new ship. The event concludes with a reception, allowing the crew and guests to celebrate this pivotal moment in the ship's history.

As a steadfast supporter of the Navy, Marines, and Coast Guard, the Charleston Navy League takes immense pride in Naval Ship Commissioning ceremonies. These events not only signify a new chapter in a ship's history but also reinforce the importance of its service to our nation.

A man holding an american flag in front of a building.